Friday, June 20, 2014

Gone Flexitarian (got my ADULT card)

We all have our ideas of what makes an adult. Until this week I didn't have a grasp of what my criteria was, just that it wasn't met yet. Then my doctor's assistant handed me my adult card, in the form of lab results. Adulthood is having to worry about your cholesterol. "The doctor wants you to improve your diet," she said. Oh, and come back to take a test for diabetes.

Something deep inside said: "AHA! Now you're a GROWN UP."

As long as I could essentially eat and exercise in the same fashion as I have since childhood, I felt like a kid. Turning 18, 21, eligibility to drink alcohol, diplomas, degrees, marriage, having babies, divorce, jobs, gray hair, home ownership, hypoglycemia, teenagers, parents with health issues....none of that sealed the deal. But high cholesterol is for adults. Feels like I've joined a new club. Now I can discuss my cholesterol like a grown up. Casually, yet with knowledge, concern, and experience. 41 is the new 18.

Am I taking this lightly? No, although I'm enjoying the humor. Going to improve diet? Yes, going to try "Flexitarian". Neat Guy is on board to try it with me. The doc gave him his Adult Card a few months ago. I am going to buy "The Flexitarian Diet" however until then I'm defining it as eating mostly organic vegetarian...and when you do eat meat, eating lean, grass fed, free range, antibiotic & growth hormone free smaller amounts. 

Aside from a life-long challenge of following directions, it should not be too difficult. For years now I've been graduating toward cleaner eating thanks to a James Cameron-esque increased awareness.

Soap Box Alert
If you look at any huge meat industry practices, they are well...inhumane, gross, and dangerous to people and our planet. If you look at Big Farming, it's an exchange of increased quantity for crappy cubic zirconia vs. diamonds, not to mention depleting the soil, poisoning us via our water supply, GMO's...  It wouldn't shock me to find out Mars is actually the first planet we screwed up. That's the short version.
Going to doc now for that A1C diabetes test. More on being an adult as it plays out. After all, I'm new to this.

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