Tuesday, March 22, 2011

On Dating a Neat Guy

10 random things I like about Neat Guy:
1) We laugh. A lot. And both have a strong history of laughing in very serious moments, like meetings and funerals. I can't believe I did not get pulled over today for laughing so hard while driving.
2) He carries the "go boxes" out of restaurants. Not sure why I like this so much. I just do.
3) He's conscientious and responsible. I like his morals, and I especially like that he applies them to himself first--like oxygen on an airplane. Isn't that how it ought to be, really?
4) He's forthright. By which I mean he has limited ability to filter his comments. But I admire that in a person.
5) We're each smart, in ways that overlap just enough so we learn a lot from each other.
5) He's both cute and ornery. Seems to have started this way as a little brother and just stuck with it.
6) Despite #5, he's really grounded. Almost AR. Which is good b/c I can be both a space cadet and OCD. Which leads to...
7) He accepts me as is. Yay!
8) He builds interesting stuff like strobe light water fountains.
9) He makes great coffee.
10) His dog. She's a riot. And I think she's put a good word in for me.


  1. Hooray! And BONUS: You're your usual laid back self (rather than a neurotic teenaged girl) with him. (Did I just say that out loud? Blame #4!)

  2. He sounds great on paper! And if Danielle approves then I approve.

    On top of that - I LOVE the fact that my boyfriend carries the "to go" boxes out of restaurants. It's the whole "carry my books" mentality. Which, he also does when we go to the library. As a matter of fact, last week, he walked up as I was tucking a few under my arm at our local library and offered to "carry my books home" for me.

    Old school charm I tell ya!
